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Spa Hotel Vistavella

This Special Package includes:

  • Welcome drink at the Blue Bar
  • Accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet
  • 1 Relax massage (45 min.) per person
  • Internet WiFi
  • Parking
  • SPA Access (Sauna, Steam Bath, Jacuzzi)
  • Taxes and service included

*Tourist tax not included: 3,30€ p.pers/day from age 17. Maximum rate p.pers 23,10€ (7 days)*

Prepayment of 30% of the stay is required. Free cancellation 72hrs before Arrival (Except 5,- Euros transaction costs).

*The offers are displayed directly on the booking engine when making your search if they are valid for the dates of your search.

Spa Hotel Vistavella

Wellness and relax package at the Hotel Vistabella

A perfect stay including SPA and a massage. 

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