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17 August, 2022

Summer seafood cuisine at the best beach restaurants on the Costa Brava

Lots of plans pass through our minds when we think of a dream holiday on the Costa Brava: the beach, the sea, swimming pools, friends, good local cuisine, long after meal chats, a drink out on the patios and terraces… Often times luxury consists of small details which are impossible to put a price on.

Today, from some of the finest seafood restaurants in Costa Brava Hotels de Luxe, we present you with a delicious offer: four succulent seafood dishes based on the excellent local fishing and gastronomic tradition. In short, a great way to discover what makes this area so special, bite by bite.

Fideuà made from monkfish and prawns from Roses – Restaurant Norat

There are classic seafood dishes which transcend words, and dishes based on noodles, fish and fresh seafood are a clear example. Fideuà stands out above the rest. In Restaurant Norat’s kitchen at the Hotel Terraza in Roses they know this well: “the sofrito and quality products. There’s no secret to it. Or maybe there is… Using local products and 0km gastronomy because it is the best way to enhance the flavour of our area”, they explain.

For this dish, they select two of the star products of our coast: monkfish and prawns. And as to be expected, they buy them from one of the most important fish markets of the Costa Brava, that of Roses, which is just a stone’s throw away!

Char-grilled sea bream – Restaurant Mar i Vent

There’s nothing that can be compared to the feeling of shaking the sand off your feet and sitting down at the table on the same beach where we have spent the day and enjoying a piece of locally-caught wild fish cooked with little more than an open fire. This is the suggestion brought to us by from Mar i Vent, the restaurant that the Parador of Aiguablava has in the cove bearing the same name.

This is a 1.2 kilo sea bream that Mar i Vent have prepared following a simple formula: they clean it but leave the scales on, to get a more uniform cook; they coat it with Ermedàs extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper; and a quarter of lemon along with a twig of rosemary placed inside to give it flavour. Then the chargrill oven tops it off: twenty minutes and it’s ready. Finally, the waiting staff fillet it and serve it ready to eat in front of the diners. Simply delicious.

Fish Suquet – Restaurant Aurum

“The suquet (stew) is a seafood recipe par excellence, especially in summer, because it evokes that traditional cuisine which, at this time of the year, when the sea is more present in our lives, we really want to taste it again. Made with rockfish, it is even more appealing, and if some seafood is added, then, the gastronomic festival is absolutely sublime”.

Just reading this description, makes your mouth water. It is a creation from Enric Herce, head chef at the Restaurant Aurum of the Hotel Cala del Pi and a prolific gastronomic writer. He promises an incredible experience to which we must add the incredible views of the sea which we will enjoy from the table. We will experience the landscape with all five senses.

Monkfish cooked on a low heat – Sa Conca Restaurant

Another monkfish dish, that’s because this fish, a star of the fish markets and kitchens of the Costa Brava, has one of the most prized meats of the sea. White, tender, soft and, above all, versatile. The Sa Conca restaurant of the Hotel S’Agaró recommend that we conserve its properties to a maximum by cooking it at a low temperature which highlights the quality of a good fresh fish. They finish it off with a slight flash on the grill and accompany it with an irresistible potato stew bed.

The classic charm of the surroundings of S’Agaró does the rest of the work: the feeling of being on holiday, switching off and fresh air are unbeatable. A moment of pure luxury!

The seaside restaurants of Costa Brava Luxury Hotels provide you with the best colours, smells and flavours of summer. Enjoy an irresistible experience


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